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    Dal 2009, la tua Scuola Professionale di Pole Dance

    Disponibili lezioni per tutti livelli, dal principante all'avanzato

    Scopri tutte le date e isciviti al Teacher Training Level 1

    Consulta l'elenco di tutte le Scuole associate
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Nel nostro studio trovate il metodo Antigravity Original. 

MISSION:  ispirare il mondo a diventare più leggero nel corpo e nella mente;
diffondere la salute e la felicità attraverso il movimento innovativo;
vivere in nome dell’ ANTIGRAVITY ® .

Christofer Harrison è il creatore e fondatore dell’ Antigravity ® Entertainment&Fitness (1991)


  • Il Vertical Dolls Studio nasce a Roma nel 2009 quando l'interesse per la Pole Dance inizia ad accrescersi.Abbiamo capito immediatamente l'importanza di creare un'ambiente sicuro e confortevole dove ogni partecipante potesse sentirsi a suo agio, seguito dai migliori professionisti del settore e lavorare con le migliori attrezzature disponbili sul mercato.Il nostro mondo è cresciuto sempre di più Read More
  • Simona Nocco, insegnante di Total Body, Posturale, Antigravity Yoga, istruttrice di 1°, 2°, 3° e 4° livello Xpert Instructor Training, nonché di Elevated NYC 1° livello.
    Appassionata di danza ed arti circensi sin da bambina, nuotatrice agonista studia danza classica e modern jazz per 8 anni, Capoeirista per 3 anni, Pattinaggio Artistico a rotelle per 5 anni,si avvicina alla Pole Dance nel 2008, anno in cui apre la prima scuola di Pole Dance a Roma: la Poledancexfit.

    Nel 2009 apre il Vertical Dolls di Roma, primo Studio interamente dedicato alla disciplina della Pole Dance. È uno Studio dinamico, sempre in fermento e con continue visite e workshop da parte di talenti internazionali e nazionali di pole dance e pole sport.
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    in collaborazione con la FIPD – Formazione Italiana Pole Dance ed in esclusiva per essa, presenta il nuovo corso per Istruttori di Pole Dance.

    VDA Pole Dance Professional Training
    VDA Certification Training, Level 1 & 2 Sia che tu abbia insegnato la pole dance per un periodo, sia che tu voglia iniziare a farlo,iscriverti al corso per istruttori VDA Pole Dance Professional Training è sicuramente una mossa giusta.Il primo ed unico programma nel suo genere.
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Classes and pricing


We have several classes during the week. We work with 1 person per pole. 8 people in total per class.

ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS  is a very beginner class.We suggest to make 5/8 lessons to pass to Level 1.You will learn the fundamentals, how to walk around the pole, how to use power and first techniques. Duration 75 min

LEVEL 1     Beginner class.You have to manage basic spins and climbs to take part to this. Duration 75 min

LEVEL 1/2 Pre intermediate class.Inversions are required. Duration 75 min

LEVEL 2     Intermediate Class.Aerial Inversions are required and many poses like Superman and Butterfly Extended.You have to be confident with transitions.

LEVEL 2/3 Pre Advanced Class.You will work on handstands, aerial transitions and many more.... Duration 75 min

STRETCHING AND FLEXIBILITY In this class you will learn, the proper and safe technique to enhance your flexibility and stretch your muscular groups,using active and static stretches. This class is designed for everyone. Duration 60 min

EMPOWERMENT PRO POLE In this class you can learn how to increase you muscular power by using the pole. You will use only your weight to built your strenght. Every exercise is designed to be performed on the pole, floor level, medium level and higher. Shoulders, Core, Lats, Gluteus...we will work on every muscular groups. Duration 60 min

POLE PLAYGROUND A class designed for under 18. This has to be considered as an introductory course. They will learn the fundamental of pole dancing by playing with the pole, the space and the shapes of their bodies. Like in playground area. Duration 75 min (suggested starting age 12)

EXOTIC POLE This is a very Las Vegas Style Class! Bring your heels and sassy sexy self to this super fun class. You will learn how to strut your stuff, sex it up and put it all together in a fabulous routine and become the diva you always wanted to be. Duration 60 min

CONTEMPORARY POLE Imagine a contemporary dance style class where the pole is a partner that you can grab, leave, come to. Contemporary dance style around the pole is the leitmotiv.You will learn how to create fluid choreography around the pole, floor work and many more techniques. Not for level 0.5. Duration 60 min

YOGA FLOW is a general category that includes most yoga styles. It is an old system that includes the practice of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises), which help bring peace to the mind and body, preparing the body for deeper spiritual practices such as meditation.Today, the term hatha is used in such a broad way that it is difficult to know what a particular hatha class will be like. In most cases, however, it will be relatively gentle, slow and great for beginners or students who prefer a more relaxed style where they hold poses longer.

You can purchase every pack in our studio location.If you wish to take part to our classes, you will have to pay 10 euros for the mandatory sport insurance with CSEN.

Start Up Pack - Introductory Offer Only for NEW CLIENT
With this option you can try all classes.You have 10 visit to spend in a solar month and discover our classes(all of them).

10 PACKS (good for 2 months)*

* That means you have 2 months to consume classes.You can purchase every pack on our studio.Once you have activated your pack you can book classes from the application APP PALESTRE by downloading it from Google Play or Apple Store.Every class has to be cancelled at least 5 hours before the regular starting of the class.If not the lesson will not be re credit on your account and you will not be able to book it again.

4X4   (one mandatory class a week)*
8X4   (two mandatory classes a week)*
12X4 (three mandatory classes a week)*
16X4 (four mandatory classes a week)*
20X4 (five mandatory classes a week)*

* That means you have to complete 1,2,3,4 or 5 classes a week (you can book any type of classes but you have to respect your pole dancing level) but you can book by yourself using App Palestre application available for smartphone (Apple store or Google Play).Remember: every class has to be cancelled at least 5 hours before the regular starting of the class. If not the lesson will not be re credit on your account and you will not be able to book it again.

You can purchase in our local store (we accept the major credit and debit cards)